
We are venture designers. We blueprint, design, build and market ventures from 0 to 1 and beyond.


904 Business Suites 9 S.V. Road Santacruz (W)

Mon - Fri 8 AM - 8 PM

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Design assessment for startups

We live in a visual world. We more often than not eat with our eyes. Often start-ups & early stage firms miss the design bus on account of either time or resources or both. What suffers is the most visible side of the firm i.e. its face, its calling card. And we understand that, because building the product or service takes first priority. And hence we often miss the wood for the trees. But it’s never, ever too late for making amends and giving the right attention.

Primary design attributes are what the customer sees in a cluttered world. They ensure that your business is on brand and is consistent about it. reDSGN is a short duration clinic that audits, evaluates and recommends rapid brand design (primary design) interventions / refinements for your firm. This helps diagnose and course correct the handicaps / fault-lines in the primary brand design.

This also allows the firm to discover possibilities with deeper and truer brand design & development that add business and customer value.