
We are venture designers. We blueprint, design, build and market ventures from 0 to 1 and beyond.


904 Business Suites 9 S.V. Road Santacruz (W)

Mon - Fri 8 AM - 8 PM

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Fatema Lakdawalaa


Fatema writes her heart out and scripts new futures. Having earned her spurs across roles and avatars – editorial assignments, content creation, creative strategy for brands, leading video content teams, managing social media, critiquing food, being published on Grazia – she brings on board curiosity and rapid learning – two qualities that bode well for venture design. That said, she remains partial to lifestyle, travel and experiential brands. Amidst all of this she also finds time to scale the Himalayas, go mountain climbing in Meghalaya, devour biographies and perform Surya Namaskars, 6 to the minute on the last count. Her wide interests and work across a range of industries and brands gives her a layered perspective. What’s catching her attention next? UX writing.